Indiana Dancers Association

Welcome to the web site of the Indiana Dancers Association (IDA). Our purpose is to promote, sponsor, and provide for the cultural development and maintenance of high standards of square and round dancing. We assist in the formation of square and round dance clubs, cooperate with callers, cuers, civic and community organizations sponsoring square and round dance activities. We work to further friendly relations among our members and member clubs and encourage square and round dancing as a wholesome social recreation.


IDA has been busy working for you this year with the organization being recognized as a 501c3 organization.  This allows us to accept tax deductible contributions.    To that end, we have added the link below to our website to allow anyone to contribute if they so desire.   Any amount is welcomed and you can direct your contribution to the individual areas, the convention, the scholarship fund, or IDA in general.   You can donate via check, credit or debit card ($3 charge), or via an ACH transfer from your bank account. The link below is Secure and live if you want to make a contribution before the end of the year.

Indiana Dancers Association needs your HELP in contacting your Indiana legislators to obtain their support to make Square Dancing the Official State Dance of Indiana.  A copy of the proposed act can be downloaded here.

     Donate here!


If you are interested in where to take lessons, or which club is close to you, you might want to visit for more information pertinent to new students.

This web site is intended to provide the visitor with information about square dance clubs, callers and cuers, when and where dances are held, and contact information. Click on the buttons below to help you navigate this site.


LessonsInsuranceSpecial DancesFAQ'sConventions




From the President

  A Warm Hello to All Our Dancing Friends     





It has been a while since an update has been placed on this page. I need to apologize for being so lax with my duties. Many things have occurred since my last post.

Most importantly, Carolyn passed away on June 6 in Austin, Texas. She became ill with colitis on June 1. It was very sudden with absolutely nothing leading up to it. She was sedated and placed on a ventilator on June 3. Her kidney shut down and we lost her late on the 6th. We were married 52 years, 11 months and 25 days.

We will holding a Celebration of Life on September 8 at Rangeline Community Center on Sunday, September 8. Details are listed in the dance listings. Please come and help us celebrate this very unique lady. A dance will held afterwards. It is open mic with Tim Tyl as the featured caller. Bonnie Lawrence and Nancy are the featured cuers.

Sadly, we lost Cal Smith the same day. It was double blow for IDA to lo lose these two wonderful folks. Jan and I feel that Caroly and Cal walked into heaven together holding hands. They will be greatly missed. Laughing Squares is holding a special dance on August 1 to welcome Jan back and to celebrate Cal’s life.

Are you registered for the State Convention in French Lick? Register now and avoid the last minute rush!

Rebel Area is holding a special dance at Light’s Dance Barn in Scottsburg on Sunday, July 28, Details are in the dance listings.

Lastly, we can use YOUR help with IDA. We need all of you to get more involved and help. Dancing numbers are down. We need to grow! The more involved folks get in recruiting and helping, the better off we will be!


John Cook


Western Square Dancing - DOSADO.COM - The Original Community Page for Modern Western Square Dancing!

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